Starting a Small Business Psychology Professional

Rhys Catterall
2 min readApr 25, 2021


Here’s to all who are advanced in psychology. I want to build a startup that focuses on psychological solutions — it will be web based and focus on posting constructive, intellectual solutions to situational based psychology questions; like that of a forum, but not copy-written nonsense that aims to draw in readers solely to increase views.

This article is about exploring the precipice of post-philosophical psychology, and the jorney it has taken into the modern day; in an attempt to bring together and hire the key people needed to form that company.

So,, psychology. It started with the early philosophers and developed into what was generally known as knowledge, — this knowledge was used, and in response, psychological theories were born. These theories were based on explainations of both how the psychological mind works and how to solve psychological problems.

Following this, psychologists were born, — people who were either engaged in or that took an interest in philosophy, but that used more physical, yet scientific methods to divulge testing results in controlled pieces known as control groups.

The psychologists that developed modern day practices used and developed many theories to try and understand, heal and/or remedy people with psychological difficulties: one such theory is called the gestalt theory and is used in practice like so — the patient comes to the psychologist with ailments to describe, and is asked questions that gently glide past the psychological issue its self; following this, the patient replies with an answer that gives a hint to the cause of the issue manifested; the psychologist responds with a solution, and all without taking apart the mechanism that is the person — however, in a textbook method, the gestalt method is explained as having taken apart the communication nodes of a mechanism to investigate how each one works, in order to find the problem that is causing the functional mishap — or friction, you could call it — once the problem is found, you would put back together the mechanism in its newly working order, having applied a solution — but in reality you wouldn’t want to take apart a persons mechanism in real-time, as this would break them.

Now that you have some insight into my ability as a psychologist, would you like to team up and form this small business start-up?

Leave a comment below if you would like to chat and i’ll get back to you.

Thanks for reading, and please don’t forget to share with your friends and colleagues.

